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Winter 2022: Teach Us To Pray
Week 1
Recording of Live Class 1: Tuesday, January 4th, 6pm CST (76:26)
Study Guide: Week 1
Welcome: 40 Days- Teach us to Pray (3:42)
01: The Spirit of Prayer (3:24)
02: Deep Intimacy with the Word of God (5:08)
03: Praying in Tongues (6:13)
04: Fasting (4:57)
Assignment: Praying in Tongues (1:51)
Praying the Psalms
01: Why We Should Pray the Psalms Pt. 1 (11:28)
02: Why We Should Pray the Psalms Pt. 2 (5:52)
03: Jesus & the Psalms (9:29)
04: Practicals to Praying the Psalms (8:23)
05: Psalm 1 (8:11)
06: Psalm 119 Pt. 1 (11:01)
07: Psalm 119 Pt. 2 (9:45)
08: Psalm 119 Pt. 3 (9:10)
09: Psalm 12 (7:05)
10: Praying Through Suffering (10:31)
11: Psalm 27 (9:36)
12: Psalm 90 (7:30)
Week 2
Recording of Live Class 2: Tuesday, January 11th, 6pm CST (69:44)
Study Guide: Week 2
01: What We Think About Intercession (7:02)
02: The Identity of the Church as a House of Prayer (4:55)
03: The Identity of the Church as Intercessors (5:31)
Assignment: Meditation (1:33)
Additional Material:
Prayer: Why Our Words to God Matter
Teach Us To Pray E-Book
How to pray when you don't feel anything? (2:21)
13 The Power of Request (2:23)
Praying Through Shame (2:37)
Week 3
Recording of Live Class 3: Tuesday, January 18th, 6pm CST (82:42)
Study Guide: Week 3
01: Who Do You Think You're Talking To? (4:39)
02: Our Heavenly Father (5:24)
03: The Father of Mercies (4:38)
04: Who Do You Think You Are? (4:42)
Assignment: Luke 15:20, Focusing on Our Father (1:29)
Week 4
Recording of Live Class 4: Tuesday, February 1st, 6pm CST (74:28)
Study Guide: Week 4
01: Prayer Begins with God (4:48)
02: Filled With the Knowledge of His Will (4:35)
03: God's Longing is to Come to Earth (5:12)
04: Fullness at the End of the Age (4:43)
Assignment: The Spirit and the Bride Say "Come!" (1:48)
Week 5
Recording of Live Class 5: Tuesday, February 8th, 6pm CST (80:21)
Study Guide: Week 5
01: Jesus the Intercessor (4:10)
02: Your New Identity (4:15)
03: Jesus' Prayer Life (4:31)
04: The Prayer Movement at the End of the Age (4:59)
Assignment: Jesus and His Prayer Life (Jn 17:1-26) (1:01)
Week 6
Recording of Live Class 6: Tuesday, February 15th, 6pm CST (69:47)
Study Guide: Week 6
01: Encountering the Fire Within (4:49)
02: Being Born of God (6:37)
03: New Creation (3:54)
04: Holy Spirit (7:26)
05: The Spirit Searches The Deep Things of God (6:36)
06: Meditation (5:28)
07: Fellowshipping With the Holy Spirit (6:49)
08: Speaking in Tongues Pt. 1 (6:18)
09: Speaking in Tongues Pt. 2 (6:11)
10: The Benefits of Speaking in Tongues (4:54)
11: Edification (5:13)
12: Learning How To Fight (7:22)
Assignment: Holy Spirit (T.R.U.S.T.) (1:20)
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Assignment: Meditation
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